Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Preventing Arm Artifacts

Today we're going to show you a very short tutorial on how to get rid of possible line artifacts you might get using the arm bending technique demonstrated a few weeks back.

A followup tip on the arm bend tutorial from Mike Kelley on Vimeo.

Next up: an even faster way of doing the arm bending technique.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Secret AS Tricks -- Keyboard Shortcuts

You lucky folks following this blog will have access to tricks, addons and lessons that even AS veterans don't know -- and will be posted no where else (since I no longer am welcomed on the Lost Marble website).

First up: secret tool shortcut tips. Nearly every AS vet knows of the _tool.list.txt file that exists in the scripts/tool directory. In this file you can add or edit the existing shortcut tips to any tool in your arsenal (and we'll be providing some killer tools you can't get anywhere in the months to come).

But what most don't know is that you are not limited to just the alpha and numeric keys A-Z and 0-9 to assigning shortcuts. You can also use the odd keys such as brackets ([]), semi-colon (;) comma, period and backslash -- in short any single key press (not shift keys) that you have.

This opens up at least 11 more keys for you to use as shortcuts -- which along with reassigning the keys you don't need should be more than enough to shortcut your way to any tool you use often. If you use a device like the Shuttle Pro (which I highly recommend) you can go further and assign these keystrokes to the buttons there, making construction and animation even easier (we'll talk in detail about this in another entry).

In the meantime -- enjoy editing away and setting up AS exactly how you want it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Arms and the Man

One of the things I really like about Anime Studio is the way it deals with it's bone rigs. They are very straightforward (unlike ToonBoom -- don't get me started on pegs) and generally very easy to setup and use.

One thing that is a little difficult, however, is controlling the bend of a limb. The good news is there is a fairly easy and extremely effective way around this, and it's an approach that many animators use.

Rather than try and describe it in words, I thought I'd post a video tutorial (my first, and done in one take although with an edit here or there) to demonstrate how to set this up. While it might look a little involved trust me that once you've done it once or twice the whole thing takes less than five minutes to do. And then you're left with a very effective looking arm or leg.

Thanks to Genete for his bone rig and Vern for explaining to me how to use it (and possibly modifying it). If you want to download it you can do it here:

Genete's Rig

Arm Tutorial from Mike Kelley on Vimeo.